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The Green Mile

A wonderful inspiration session on greening on April 15, 2024.

Op welke manieren kan jij jouw huis, tuin, balkon of straat vergroenen en daarmee voorbereiden op hitte en hevige regenbuien? Dat was ons thema van de inspiratieavond op 15 april 2024 in de Heineken Experience. En de dag was ook een zeer onstuimige en

How can you green your house, garden, balcony, or street and prepare them for heatwaves and heavy rainstorms? That was the theme of our inspiration evening on April 15, 2024, at the Heineken Experience. The day was also extremely turbulent and stormy, making it all the more fitting. A passionate group of residents immersed themselves in the world of green and climate-adaptive possibilities through presentations by Natuur Milieuteam Zuid, Het Groene Loket, and Amsterdam Weerproof.

After the presentations, participants were encouraged to share their newfound ideas with each other and approach the roaming experts for advice and explanations. A selection of the issues, ideas, and questions that emerged included preventing stubborn rainwater from pooling in gardens, shading a shared terrace from the sun, and getting permission from the housing association to install a climbing plant on a facade. Additionally, Daan won the free Weerproof Garden Advice. More on this makeover coming soon.

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